Velho Vasco brand
Velho Vasco brand
Velho Vasco brand
Veloso, Ramalho, Teixeira & Cª – Setúbal
Sardines portugaises à l’huile vegetal
Atum em óleo vegetal
Atum em óleo vegetal claro-escuro
Atum em óleo vegetal
Cuttle fish in sauce
Flat fillets of anchovies in olive oil
Morue à la Portuguese
Octopus in hot sauce
Octopus in sauce
Solid light tuna in vegetable oil
Octopus in sauce with olive oil
Sardines in tomato and olive oil
Sardines in tomato and olive oil
Sardines in olive oil
Sardines in tomato and soya oil
Portuguese sardines with lemon
Spiced sardines in olive oil (hot sauce)
Portugues spiced sardines in olive oil (hot sauce)
Spiced sardines in olive oil
Vencedor brand
Venda da firma Ramirez & Companhia Lda, de Setúbal
Vendedeira brand
Vendedeira de peixe
Vendedeira de peixe Lisboa
Vendedor de peixe
Vendedor de peixe
Vendedoras de peixe, Lisboa 1905
Vendredi brand
Venere brand
Veneza – Sardines portugaises à huile de olive
Veneza brand
Vengeur brand
Veni Vici brand
Ventura Manita da Cruz – Olhão
Ventura Reaes & Cª Lda brand
Ventura, Fazenda & Cª Lda – Lisboa
Ventura, Reaes & Cª Lda – Matosinhos
Filetti di sgombri con pelle all´olio d´oliva
Venus – sardines portugaises á l´huile
Venus brand
Portugiesische sardinen ohne haut und ohne graten
Vera brand
Vercingetorix brand
Vermouth & Stock company
Verónica brand
Sardines portugaises à la tomate
Sardines portugaises à l`huile
Sardines à la tomate
Véronique – Skinless and boneless Portuguese sardines
Veronique brand
Veronique Scala brand
Portuguese sardines in pure olive oil
Filets de Maquereaux à l´huile d´ olive pure
Portugiesische Sardinen ohne haut und ohne graeten
Very Good brand
Vésper brand
Vesta brand
Vesúvio – tonno all´olio puro d´oliva
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