Família Benjamim

Para além de marítimos – que foram dos melhores, foram pescadores e industriais de conservas de peixe bem sucedidos.
Segundo o Mestre de pesca, Rufino Cordeiro Dias Pereira, descendente de três gerações de antigos marítimos, a ilha possui bancos de pesca abundantes. As suas águas são locais de passagem de especies migradoras (dermesais) destacando-se os tunídeos, albacora e bonito. Os armadores do atum dizem que o ano em que os cardumes entram pelas águas da Graciosa, é garantia de um born ano de pesca.
Aqui, também existiu a salga de peixe, pelo menos em Santa Cruz, cujos tanques de salga estavam localizados na Rua do Castilho. Salgavam cavala, bonito e albacora enquanto não foi transformada pelas conservas de peixe.
No porto da Folga, a Família Benjamim, com descendentes na ilha, possuía um armazém de salga de peixe de fundo. Uma boa parte do peixe salgado que não era consumido na ilha era exportado para a Praia da Vitória.
The men of Graciosa became entrepreneurs, industrialists and shipowners, at least from the mid-19th century onwards. They set out to establish sea link from their island to the out ide world by creating a transport system for people and goods, in order to market their agricultural produce and earthenware, domestic crockery and tiles, which they exported to seven islands, from Terceira to Corvo. As well as being outstanding seamen, they were also fishermen and successful fish canner.
According to Master Rufino Cordeiro Dias Pereira, a fisherman descended from three generations of seafarers, the island has plentiful fishing banks. It water are visited by migratory (dermesal) species, particularly tuna, albacore and bonito.
The tuna fleet owners say that the year in which the shoals enter the waters of Graciosa is a guarantee of a good year for fishing.
Fish was also salted here, at lea t in Santa Cruz, where the salting tanks were located in Rua do Castilho. They used to salt mackerel, bonito and albacore when it was not canned.
The Benjamim family, who still have descendants on the island, had a warehouse for salting bottom fish in the port of Folga. Much of the salted fish not used on the island was exported to Praia da Vitória.
in, Os Açorianos e as Pescas, 500 anos de memórias – João A. Gomes Vieira