Rodrigo de Sant’Ana – Setúbal
Rodrigo de Sant’Ana – Setúbal
Rodrigo de Sant’Ana – Setúbal
Rodrigues & Cª Lda – Setúbal
Rodrigues & Campos Lda – Setúbal
Rodrigues, Madeira & Cª Lda – Olhão
Rodrigues, Silva & Cª Lda – Setúbal
Roi des Pecheurs – Sardines Portugaises
Roi des Pecheurs brand
Sardines portugaises sans arêtes
Sardines portugueses á l huile d olive pure
Portugiesische sardinen in sojaol
Rois de l`Ocean brand
Skinless and boneless fillets of Bonito
Portuguese sardines in soya oil
Skinless and boneless sardines in soya oil
Sardines in tomato sauce
Skinless and boneless sardines
Skineless and boneless filets of mackerel
Spiced Sardines in tomato puree
Flat fillets of anchovies in pure olive oil
Skinless and boneless sardines in olive oil
Portuguese sardines in olive oil
Roland – Flat fillets of anchovies in pure olive oil
Roland – Rolled fillets of anchovies in pure olive oil
Roland brand
Roland Emmanuel Alves dos Santos – Lisboa
Rolive brand
Sardines portugaises à huile vegetal
Rolland – 31 Março 1912 – nº 12044 – Les Marques Internationales
Rolland brand
Romance of the Tin Can – Feb 1937
Romano Michele – Olhão
Sardinen in Olivenöl
Feine Sardinen Olivenol
Sardinen in Olivenöl
Romanus brand
Romão Artur Gonçalves
Romão, Pêra & Cª – Setúbal
Romeu Correia, Cais do Ginjal – Editorial Notícias
Romeu Correia, Sábado sem sol – Contos
Romeu e Julieta brand
Rone brand
Roque & Cª – Figueira da Foz
Rosa Angélica – Portuguese sardines in olive oil
Rosa Angélica brand
Rosa brand
Rosa do Oriente brand
Rosa Maria brand
Rosália brand
Rosalie brand
Rosalinde brand
Rosaline brand
Rosária brand
Rosas de Matozinhos brand
Rosas de Setúbal brand
Rose Angelique brand
Rose Belle brand
Rose D`Or – Sardinhas Portuguesas em azeite
Portuguese bonito in pure olive oil
Portuguese bonito in pure olive oil
Rose D`Or brand
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