Rose do Oriente
Josino da Costa
Josino da Costa
Rosebelle brand
Rosebud brand
Rosebud brand registration 5111 – Ministério das Obras Públicas – Repartição da Indústria
Rosemary – Portuguese boneless sardines
Rosemary brand
Rosendo & Cª Lda – Lagos
Sardines san peau et sans arêtes
Filetti di Sgombro senza pele all`olio d`oliva
Sardines in vegetable oil
Sardines in spiced oil
Roses d’Algarve brand
Roses de Bretagne brand
Sardines portugaises à l` huile vegetale
Filets d`anchois allongés
Sardines Portugaises à l´huile d`olive
Filets de Maquereaux Huile d`olive
Roses de France brand
Roses de Setúbal – skinless and boneless Portuguese sardines
Roses de Setúbal brand
Rosette brand
Rosetti brand
Rosetti brand registration 7670 – Ministério das Obras Públicas – Repartição da Indústria
Rosina brand
Rosina Schettini – Olhão
Rosinha brand
Rotário brand
Rotary brand
Roteiro da Cidade de Setúbal – Tipografia Nova Havanesa – 1891
Rótulos de conservas alimentícias Lopes, Coelho Dias & Cª
Roulotte brand
Rover – Sardines in pure olive oil
Rover brand
Roy du Soleil brand
Royal brand
Portuguese sardines in pure olive oil
Portuguese sardines in tomato sauce
Sardines in vegetable oil
Royal Crown brand
Portuguese Sardines in Zuivere Olijfolie
Royal Mail brand
Royal Sun brand
Royale brand
Ruácaná brand
Ruas, Gomes & Cª – Setúbal
Ruban Bleu brand
Rubens brand
Rubi brand
Rubicon brand
Skinless and boneless sardines in soya oil
Skinless and boneless in pure olive oil
Skinless and boneless sardines
Ruby brand
Rudolph brand
Rui brand
Rui Mendes Viegas Calvinho – Olhão
Rui Mendes Viegas Calvinho – Vila Real de Santo António
Ruínas da fábrica Marie D’Anjou
Rumba brand
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