Sardines in pure olive oil
Sardines in pure olive oil
Sardines in pure olive oil
Conservas produzidas por António Alonso na fábrica de Setúbal.
Atum posta
Portuguese sardines in tomato sauce
Nobre – Sardines Portugaises à l´huile surfine
Nobre – sardines portugaises à huile surfine
Solid light tuna
Atum posta em óleo vegetal
Portuguese sardines in olive oil
Spiced Portuguese sardines
Rolled fillets of anchovies
Portugiesishe Olsardinen in Olivenol
Filetti di sgombro all olio d oliva
Nova York – Portuguese sardines in pure olive oil
Anchoved garfish rolled with capers
Nuri – Anchovied Garfish rolled with capers
Nuri – Sardine piccanti portoghesi all olio d olive
Nuri – spiced Portuguese sardines
Cavala inteira em azeite
Ovas de sardinhas em azeite
Nydia – Portuguese sardines in oil
Nydia – Chinchards portugais á l´huile
Nydia – Chinchards portugais à l`huile
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