Sardinhas portuguesas em óleo e piri-piri
Sardinhas portuguesas em óleo e piri-piri
Sogal brand
Sol – Sociedade Outão – Setúbal
Sol Cintilante brand
Sol Nascente brand
Soldado brand
Soleil-Levant brand
Solis brand
Soliva Sociedade de Litografia e Vazio – Vila Real de Santo António
Somar brand
Sonho brand
Carapaus em tomate
Sónia brand
SONIL Sociedade Nacional de Intercambio – Olhão
Sonita – Sardines Portugaises à l´huile
Sonita brand
Sopex – Sociedade Portuguesa de Comércio Exterior S.A.R.L. – Lisboa
Sor brand
Soraya brand
Soromenho brand
Soromenho, Silveira & Carvalho • Advertising in Conservas de Peixe em Azeite e Salmoura book from 1936
Soromenho, Silveira & Carvalho – Lisboa
Soromenho, Silveira & Carvalho – Matosinhos
Soromenhos & Victor – Fábrica Eva – Setúbal
Sorriso brand
Sosicar brand
Sotalgarve brand
Sotavento brand
Sardines in vegetable oil
Portuguese sardines in olive oil
Sou`Wester brand
Sousa Júnior, Lda – Setúbal
Sousa Salvado & Cª – Setúbal
Sousa, Valido & Cª – Setúbal
Souvenir de L`Ami brand
Souvenir de Portugal brand
Sovendal documento consignação
Sovendal, S.A.R.L. – Lisboa
Space Man brand
Sardines in edible oil
Sardines in tomato sauce
Spar brand
Portuguese sardines in zuivere olif olie
Sparta brand
Sphinx brand
Sphinxs brand
Spiel brand
Skinless and boneless portuguese sardines
Spirit of Norway brand
Splendid brand
Splendides brand
Splendour – Filets d`achois roulés aux câpres
Splendour – Filets d` Anchois Allongés
Splendour – Fillets of mackerels
Splendour – Portuguese sardines in soya oil
Splendour – Sardines Portugaises à la tomate
Splendour – Sardines Portugaises sans peaux et sans arêtes
Splendour brand
Portuguese sardines in pure olive oil
Sardines Portugaises sans arêtes á l`huile d`olive pure
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